Through registration and participation in our programs, you agree to waive THE FOOTBALL LIFE from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during participation in activity on location. you agree to hold THE FOOTBALL LIFE entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.
Through registration and participation, you forfeit all rights to bring a suit against THE FOOTBALL LIFE for any reasons. participants will make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. you will ask for clarification when needed.
Participants recognize that there is risk involved in the types of activities offered by THE FOOTBALL LIFE. Therefore, you accept financial responsibility for any injury that you may cause either to yourself or to any other participant due to his/her negligence. Should the above-mentioned parties, or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, you agree to reimburse them for such fees and costs. you further agree to indemnify and hold harmless THE FOOTBALL LIFE, their principals, agents, employees, and volunteers from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from your negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in activities offered by THE FOOTBALL LIFE.
By signing up, you agree to have fully read and fully understand the foregoing assumption of risk, and release of liability and understand that by signing it, it obligates you to indemnify the parties named for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by your negligent or intentional act or omission. you understand that by signing up for any program, you agree to this form and are waiving valuable legal rights.
Form submission and participation confirms you have carefully read this Agreement and fully understand its contents. you are aware that this is a release and waiver of liability and sign it knowingly, voluntarily, and of your own free will.
Through participation in THE FOOTBALL LIFE programs, you grant THE FOOTBALL LIFE permission to use your photograph/video image in any and all publications for THE FOOTBALL LIFE, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration in perpetuity. you authorize THE FOOTBALL LIFE to record, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute collectively, “Use” all photos and images. participation waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my photo appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph or video images. you hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge THE FOOTBALL LIFE from all claims, demands, and causes of action which you, your heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on your behalf or on behalf of your estate which may have or may have by reason of such Use of this authorization.
This consent has been read and fully understood by the undersigned (name in contact form) and has been explained to me. My name and e-mail appear to the right of this form and are true and correct the best of my knowledge. [Please type " I agree on [Date]" in the Message portion.